Lilliput nursery Careers

*Job Alert*


We currently have a part-time job available.


  • 2 days a week on Thursday and Friday at 9am - 5pm
  • All year round. It is not a term time only position
  • Must be either level 3 qualified or studying toward a level 3
  • Please send CVs to


We look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us

Lilliput Day Nursery

12 High Street


PE11 1TW


Tel: 01775 766130


Make an enquiry using our Contact Form.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday - 7AM - 6PM



Return to Nursery - Following the government annoucement, please contact us if you plan to return your child to nursery W/C 1st June. 

Key Worker Spaces Available - We have spaces available for vulnerable children and children of 'key workers'.

Coronovirus Updates - We will continue to open as normal from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday if your child meets 'vulnerable child' criteria or you are classed as a 'key worker'.

5 stars from the Food, Health and Safety team - We were inspected by the Food, Health and Safety team on 8th May 2019 and were awarded 5 stars.

We have free places available for two year olds for 15 hours a week during term time. Contact us to see if you are eligible.

We also have free places available for children aged 3 - 5 years. Please Contact us for further information.

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© Lilliput Day Nursery